Evangelist Gerald Mayhan and his wife, Phyllis, invite you to hear their testimony of the miracle working power of Jesus Christ in their lives and in their marriage. After graduating from high school, they were married in 1969, and then moved to Washington, D.C. Gerald was drafted into the military and served in Vietnam where he began using drugs that controlled his life for the 18 years.
In 1989, he entered the Teen Challenge Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Program where Jesus Christ saved him and delivered him from drug addiction. Soon after, God restored Gerald’s marriage that had almost been destroyed due to his addiction and then God called him to preach his Glorious Gospel.
Gerald has received his credentials through the Assemblies of God. Currently, Gerald and Phyllis are active members of First Assembly of God in Alexandria, Virginia, where he is the Church Evangelist. Currently, he serves on the Executive Board of Directors for the Teen Challenge Ministry in Capitol Heights, Maryland. He formerly served as Prison Coordinator for a year with the Teen Challenge Ministry. Since 1993, Gerald has been involved in the Prison Ministry in the Washington DC Metropolitan area, in Alderson, WV; and 2 Prisons in St. Lucia, West Indies; 3 jails in Montego Bay, Jamaica; and a jail in New Mexico.
When Evangelist Mayhan is not preaching in the prisons, he is holding revivals and camp meetings in the Washington Metropolitan Area, West Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Florida, New Mexico and Arizona. He has been blessed to preach in Israel, Antigua, Dominica, St. Lucia, Jamaica. Barbados, the Bahamas. Belize, Guatemala, Peru, Ghana and South Africa.
In spite of all the places he has preached, “Street Ministry” remains his priority. Each year, numerous Street Meetings are held in Washington and Alexandria, Virginia, as well as many other cities all over the country where many souls have been saved. In September 2002, Evangelist Mayhan headed up the Alexandria Convoy of Hope (COH). This outreach touched over 7,300 people, 1,109 salvations, 1,189 volunteers, 54 churches participated, and 72,000 lbs. of free food given away. In August 2003, Evangelist Mayhan held his second COH in Washington, DC. COH ministered to over 6,500 people, 1,200 salvations, 1,600 volunteers, 109 churches participated, 86,000 lbs. of free food given away. God has guided his footsteps from the beginning of his first ministry at Howard University Hospital over 7 years ago. Currently, Evangelist Mayhan ministers at the Pentagon, the 2nd Tuesday of each month, as his schedule allows.
Evangelist Mayhan will tell the world that he is not the same, but he stands on II Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, and behold, all things are become new.”